Quick to Use
The Dashboard shows you all the things you’re currently watching and reading, and lets you quickly update your progress and score. Home Screen widgets show at a glance when anime you’re watching air next.

Switch Between Anime and Manga
Simply swipe or tap to switch between anime and manga for the page you’re on.

See Everything
Look through everything you have on your lists, including the ability to filter, sort, and search. Use the index on the right to quickly scroll through that massive backlog you’ll never get to.

Tons of Detail
Dive into details about when an item aired, alternate titles, tags, recommendations, related items, characters and voice actors, producers, and more.

People too
Tap on voice actors and staff to see what else they’ve worked on. Tap on characters to see all the anime and manga they appear in. Add media to your list as you go. Tap on a tab to get yourself out of the rabbit hole you went down.

And Even Songs
Stargazer members can see opening and ending songs for anime, quickly copy song details, and find links to listen on multiple streaming services (when available).

Discover New Media
See what’s popular this season, and what has stayed popular over time.

Find What You’re Looking For
Search for anime, manga, staff, characters, studios, and other users. Use advanced filters to find exactly what you want.

Get Notified
See notifications about things like new seasons or adaptations of series you follow, new episodes of currently-airing shows you’re watching, likes/replies on your status messages and forum posts, and more.
Plus get system notifications when new episodes of your anime air.
Stargazer members can get system notifications for all AniList notifications!

Crunch Numbers
Get statistics on your anime and manga habit. Check out other users’ stats and follow them if they have good taste.

Colorful 🎨
Supports light and dark mode based on your system settings or manual toggle. Choose an accent color to use throughout the app.